Dorchester Street, Montreal, St. James' Club on the other side of the Portico. 1881-1882. Arthur Elliot. Peter Winkworth Collection. Library and Archives Canada, e000996428. CC by 2.0

Dorchester Street, Montreal, St. James’ Club on the other side of the Portico. 1881-1882. Arthur Elliot. Peter Winkworth Collection. Library and Archives Canada, e000996428. CC by 2.0


The latest in blog posts, news, and podcasts from the world of Canadian history.


Missed last week’s roundup? Check it out here.


That’s a wrap for this week! It seems to have been one organized around podcasts, hockey, the Douglas Treaties, Black History Month, and Canada 150. Interesting… Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this new roundup. If you did, please consider sharing it on your social media platform of choice! And don’t forget to check back on Tuesday for a very special blog post. See you then!

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